Expert Podiatry with the Care you Deserve


From kids excelling in their chosen sports to professional players, we work with a number of talented sportsmen and women to help them optimise their performance of the field, court, track, or wherever they perform!

Helping prevent injury and improve your performance

We understand the increasing physical demands on your muscles, bones and body when you’re constantly engaging in competitive physical activity - and the need to stay on top of your game. 

We conduct comprehensive biomechanical assessments that look at your overall musculoskeletal performance, as well as sports-specific movements. Our gait analyses show you exactly what is happening with when you move and the effects it is having on the rest of your body. From here, we are able to deduce your injury risk and create a plan to help reduce this risk while maintaining your musculoskeletal health.

Recovering from injury

When injury does occur, we work with you to get you back on your feet and performing your best as soon as possible while putting your health and long-term outcomes first. We work with injuries sustained in:

  • Cricket
  • Netball
  • Basketball
  • Soccer 
  • Football
  • Tennis
  • Rugby
  • AFL
  • Hockey
  • Running
  • Marathons
  • Triathlons
  • Oxfam Trailwalker and walking events

We have a number of innovative treatment modalities to speed up your recovery, including shockwave treatment.

Ready to make your appointment?

Give us a call - we’d love to help!